About Me

All Hail the Queen!”

Just kidding! Hi, I’m Meagan, aka Meg. I’m a mom of three beautiful little girls, recently divorced, and an avid amateur chef. In addition to my home life, I’m an ambitious professional, serving as a financial advisor to some of the most amazing clients on the planet, and Director of Operations for a large Mid-Western financial advising firm. I hope to make COO within a year. I believe a strong-willed woman can accomplish success in her family and professional lives if she wants to…. even if she’s doing it on her own!

I’m often asked why I call our household “the Beehive.” My three daughters are named Brynna, Everly, and Eleanore: B,E,E. Our house is full of activity with members coming and going constantly, so my family dubbed it “the Beehive.” The name started as a joke and has stuck. I guess that makes me the Queen Bee, although I’m still waiting on my family to formally address me as “Your Majesty”.

Work/life balance has always been a juggling act, and now that I’m divorced, the struggle is real. To be candid, I used to stress about the little details, expecting perfection from myself and often from those around me. Failure was not an option and the constant pursuit of advancement was tantamount to personal enjoyment. Add a divorce into the mix, and a whole new level of stress settled itself stubbornly on my shoulders. How could I possibly be a single mother and a successful professional at the same time?!

Lord was all that pressure exhausting!!!

Thankfully, my separation from my now ex-husband has been a surprising blessing. Not only did it release me from a toxic relationship, it has also forced me to reevaluate the impossible standards I was previously holding myself to. It became obvious very quickly that as the parent with primary custody of our three little girls, I had the imperative duty to be a present, fun, and mentally-well mother. My daughters deserve no less. At the same time, I needed to set boundaries for work without sacrificing future advancement, or jeopardizing the sole income of the household. Emotionally, it was a lot to take on, amidst the turmoil and heartache of a marriage that ended quite suddenly.

I never thought this would be the trajectory of my life when I hit my mid-30s, but I’m embracing this new challenge of finding a balance between motherhood and professional development. I’ve been incredibly blessed to have an amazing network of stellar moms, both married and single, who have provided a plethora of advice to help me navigate my newfound situation. I’m also an avid believer in self-improvement and understand that we must adapt and evolve in order to grow and succeed. Therefore, I’m embracing this change, as daunting as it may be, and I look forward to sharing that journey with all of its ups and downs.

The formula I’m using is simple: be organized when I can, embrace the chaos when I can’t, set reasonable boundaries, and never NEVER take myself too seriously.

I’m proud to say I’m perfectly flawed. I’m not a mom who is always put together. Sometimes my hair is in a messy bun (and I mean a true messy bun, not the stylishly messy buns you see on TikTok.) My house is rarely spotless (I think dust provides character). My SUV is in desperate need of a thorough detailing (and probably a tank of gas). As I write this, I’m in quarantine with my 8 month old baby as both of us have Covid and are feeling pretty miserable. I haven’t put makeup on in days, there’s a wet diaper in the waste basket by my bed, and a pile of unfolded clean laundry piled on the chair that will probably get worn and rewashed before I get around to folding it. I’m trying to keep my two older girls from getting sick, but they need care and love too, so I’m prepared for their inevitable positive diagnosis. I haven’t wanted to check yet today but I don’t doubt there’s a sink full of dirty dishes. The vacuuming I normally do on Sunday’s won’t get done anytime soon.

For most Type A individuals- and the former me- this would be enough to send them into a tailspin. Instead, I am content. I’m sitting on my bed with my sweet baby in my lap, sipping on wine, and watching my two older girls giggle hysterically while playing some game in the loft down the hall. My house is full of laughter and happiness…. the chores can wait. I’ll summon just enough energy after they are all in bed to shower.

My life isn’t perfect. My job leaves a lot to be desired. My girls are not always well-behaved. The dissolution of my marriage was not expected. We eat fast food from time to time. I rarely go to the gym (okay, never go to gym). I could stand to lose 30lbs. Yet I LOVE my life and wouldn’t trade it for anything. It’s taken me a while to get to this spot, and it wasn’t easy. Thankfully, I’ve found some tips, tricks, and recipes that make me not sweat the little things and embrace the good.

By following my blog, I promise to provide you with my best advice to weathering a high-powered career all while rocking motherhood, whether you are doing it solo or as part of a power couple. I’ll share practical tips and actionable steps to creating balance within your household. When I fall down, I promise to share those experiences authentically in the hopes that someone can learn from my mistakes. I promise that if you are exploring one of my delicious meals, you won’t have to scroll through my life story and the first half of War and Peace to get to the actual recipe. I WON’T promise that my house will be clean for any of my photos, my stovetop will constantly be messy for most of my recipes, and I LOVE using paper plates. #paperplategourmet. My photos will rarely be professional quality, although I hope to develop this skill someday. I’m never able to get all three of my girls to smile at the same time for group photos. I swear (a lot) and I rarely have my shit all together. Yet I make it work. I hope by sharing my crazy experience that is life, you can take away some key tidbits to make it work in your life too.

So let me adjust my crooked crown for a minute and formally welcome you to my chaos. It can get pretty crazy in here, but much like a chaotic beehive, we make the sweetest honey.


Queen Bee Meg