All the Tea about Red Wine: Part One
The Health Benefits of Red Wine
Red wine has a firmly rooted place in society (particularly among us moms) as the ultimate treat after a long day. There are few things I enjoy more than a good book and a luscious glass of cabernet in a steaming bath once my three busy bees are tucked into bed. During the hot summer months, a fruity sangria refreshes the palette while lounging on the beach, or warm mulled wine hits the spot around a blazing Halloween bonfire. As I type this, I’m enjoyed a particularly pricy bottle that my husband procured for me on his way home from work because he knew I had a rough day trying to work from the house with our three daughters, two of which were suffering from a stomach bug.
So why does wine have this amazing effect? Let’s dive deep into all the “tea” about red wine!
As a quick disclaimer, alcohol in any form should be enjoyed responsibly. It should never be consumed while driving, and I do not condone drinking to excess. Rather, I want to share the joys of red wine in moderation and only for those who do not run the risk of abusing alcohol. Please make healthy choices that support your health situation and lifestyle.

Let’s start first with the science behind why red wine is so calming. Alcohol in general, is a suppressant to the central nervous system. This means it can calm the nerve-wracking firing of neurons that keep your mind racing. The secret sauce to red wine’s calming effects is skin deep. Literally! Like a sedative, the skins of red grapes contain melatonin which is a powerful hormone that also occurs naturally in the human body. Melatonin helps the body ready itself for sleep and can even surpress cortisol production. Cortisol is the stress hormone. Less cortisol + more melatonin = relaxation.

Melatonin isn’t the only calming goodness your glass of pinot provides. Another calming health benefit of red wine is the Resveratrol it contains. In addition to being an antioxidant, Resveratrol reduces stress by activating a protein called PARP-1. PARP-1 directly soothes your body’s stress response, while also repairing damaged cells and gene sequences. Therefore, while that sip of red velvety goodness is calming your overactive mom brain, it’s also helping your body repair DNA. Repaired DNA can directly increase longevity and improve the quality of your overall health as you age.
While adding well-deserved time on your fabulous life is a great bonus, there are many more health benefits to drinking red wine. Resveratrol, as well as other antioxidants, can help with heart health by reducing your risk for coronary heart disease. While the exact reason for this health benefit isn’t known, the Mayo Clinic admits that the correlation can’t be denied. It’s also no secret that Mediterranean cultures have some of the highest numbers of centenarians (people who live to be 100 or more) on the planet, and scientists believe that red wine is a key part of their diet that contributes to this longevity.
If you’re not totally sold on the benefits of red wine yet, there are many folks that claim wine can help with weight loss. Several studies demonstrate that the amazing little compound we talked about earlier, Resveratrol, can also help turn stubborn white fat into brown fat. What exactly are the differences in fat colors and why the heck does this matter? I’m so glad you asked! White fat is the fat you think of that’s just under the skin in our most problem areas. For me, that means my lower belly and under-chin. White fat stores excess energy and is particularly stubborn about burning away. Brown fat is much more conducive for weight loss and encourages an increased metabolism. In fact, it helps break down glucose, creates heat, and maintains body temperature. Maintaining these conditions helps the body burn through excess weight much faster. The more brown fat you have, the better for weight loss. Resveratrol and similar polyphenols found in red wine encourage the conversion of stubborn white fat to metabolically favorable brown fat.
There’s a few more benefits to red wine that need to be mentioned. A study conducted in 2012 by Arizona State University found that drinking red wine helped curb appetite and could reduce cravings for late night snacking. Another study produced by Harvard observed over 20,000 women for more than 13 years and found that those ladies who consumed 1-2 glasses of red wine each night were 70% less likely to be overweight. The key to both of these studies was that red wine was enjoyed in moderation. Sadly, weight loss isn’t correlated to the amount of wine consumed. Therefore, ladies, don’t think you’ll double your ability to shed those unwanted pounds by drinking a whole bottle. Moderation is vital!
I’m hoping by this point you’re pouring yourself a glass of burgundy goodness. Stay tuned for Part Two of Red Wine series where we discuss how red wine is made and the history about how this delicious concoction came to be.